Music & Audio

My Alternative Guide to the Woods is a BBC New Creatives commission sound piece created with the help and support ofn artist Alice Mahoney and producer SJ Blackmore, at Cling Clack Studio.
This sound piece is an alternative guide to Tehidy Woods, imagining different parts of the woods as different places around the world and led by my alter ego, Bradley J Cruise.

My Alternative Guide to the Woods sound piece as part of my BBC New Creatives commission now available on BBC Sounds HERE!

You can also hear my BBC interview with Jack Murley about this project HERE!

My new album, produced with Herbie Walker is coming out later this year. 

Below is my previous album Chase:

Please click on the titles below to listen to tracks on my Soundcloud account.

Lyrics and vocals are by me and has been produced with the help of Herbie Walker.

Once in NYC

Crystals is coming to Life